How to Apply
Deadline has passed.
In order to submit your application, please complete the following:
- General Information
- CV
- A one-page summary of your proposed work
- A one-paragraph Candidacy Statement describing your personal views of the SBSM, its future, and suggestions to foster the Developing Investigator Program
After selections have been made, the selected candidates will be asked to submit a 4-6 page research proposal prior to the meeting. This proposal will be reviewed by the mentors and other young scholars in their small group.
This selective program is open to investigators who desire a research-focused experience, and will take place in Seattle, Washington, in conjunction with the 2025 SBSM Annual Meeting. DIP scholars will receive complimentary meeting registration for two consecutive years and a travel stipend.
The Society for Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine (SBSM) is pleased to accept applications for the 2025 class of the Developing Investigator Program. The purpose of this half-day program is to bring together the expertise of senior mentors paired with postgraduate “rising star” trainees (i.e., physician fellows, residents, postdoctoral fellows, and early career faculty who recently completed training). The selected trainees will be paired with a mentor that shares similar interests. The goal of the program is to contribute to the academic success of each participant. Each attendee will have the opportunity to present his/her proposed research in order to receive productive feedback.
The Award:
- Travel Stipend
- Attend the Developing Investigator Program
- Complimentary Reception the night before
- Complimentary 2025 Annual Meeting registration in Seattle, Washington
- Complimentary 2026 Annual Meeting registration
- Complimentary Reception the night before the 2025 Developing Investigator Program
Interested in being a DIP Mentor? Click here for more information and to apply.