Help Support SBSM
The SBSM Fund needs your help! In recent years we have invested in many new initiatives including reduced fees for Early Career Members, Minority Recruitment and Mentoring programs, support to attend the annual meeting for specific groups, new awards, Fellows of SBSM and more Special Interest Groups. This is on top of our existing considerable support for Trainee members, awards for promising and established researchers and clinicians.
The primary academic activities of SBSM - the Annual Meeting and Journal - are self-sustaining up to a point. Yet, with all of our exciting new developments, and for the continued success of these types of initiatives, we need your financial support. We look forward to you contributing to our cause. You can indicate a specific fund to support, or give a general donation to cover the above activities.
Or mail a check (payable to SBSM) to:
6728 Old McLean Village Drive
McLean, VA 22101
See What Our Donors Say
"The Society for Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine has been an intellectual home for me. I love what the Society stands for, the outstanding quality of the journal and the Annual Meeting, and the people in the Society. I have donated to the SBSM Fund because it will help the Society to extend its reach and have an even broader impact on the future practice of medicine."
-- Richard D. Lane, MD, PhD
“My earliest memories of learning about others' research and thinking about my own were formed by reading Psychosomatic Medicine and attending the SBSM annual meetings, beginning, if memory serves, in 1968 or 1969. SBSM has nurtured me throughout my career, and I am happy to be able to help it continue to perform this function for others, young and old.”
-- Redford B Williams, Jr., MD