Pursuing Health Equity in Context of COVID-19:
The Essential Role of Psychosomatic Science
December 3 and 4, 2020
Please join us for two, half days of science designed to advance understanding of COVID-19, address broader issues of health equity, and highlight the myriad of scientific advances pursued by SBSM attendees. The meeting will feature plenary keynotes, invited symposia, discussion panels, and member submitted content, all presented in a contemporary virtual platform.
Highlights include…
Outstanding and timely Plenary Sessions
Dr. Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, Director of the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) will discuss emerging COVID-19 related health disparities, the broader state of health equity research, and associated NIH priorities.
Dr. Wizdom Powell, President of APA Division 51 and Director of the Health Disparities Institute, University of Connecticut will discuss how the combined impact of COVID-19 and racism is creating a unique syndemic, especially for Black Americans. Dr. Powell was recently named one of the 25 Essential Black Voices on Mental Health and Wellness
You Pick the Channel!
Attendees can tailor their SBSM experience by tuning in to virtual channels featuring focused content on advances in biomarkers, psychosocial pathways to health and wellbeing, cognition/affect/neuroscience, pain, and other topics. Additional member-focused programming will address issues for trainees, mid-career professionals, MDs, and clinicians. More details to come!
Call for Abstracts
Are you or your team conducting work in COVID-19, health disparities, psychosocial influences on disease or hypothesized pathways, or any of the traditional SBSM scientific areas of inquiry? If so, then please consider submitting your work for inclusion in the virtual poster sessions! We welcome research originally submitted to the March 2020 Annual Meeting as well as new studies. All submissions will be peer-reviewed with the most meritorious selected for presentation and awards.
Abstract deadline extended to October 6 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time!
Registration – Free to SBSM Members!
Current SBSM members will have access to the live event on December 3 and 4 as a benefit of membership – up to 8 hours of programming. Renew your membership for 2021 and access all of the concurrent 2020 Virtual Meeting content, for up to one year, at no cost.
New to SBSM or Returning after a hiatus? Take advantage of this special membership offer and receive access to the full meeting as well as SBSM Collaborates, member content on the website, a personal subscription to Psychosomatic Medicine, the SBSM Newsletter, and a significant discount on future meeting costs.
The SBSM 2020 Winter Virtual Meeting promises to be a vibrant learning and dissemination experience that addresses the science of today and serves as a bridge to the next SBSM Annual Meeting later in 2021.